
What is Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)?

Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is an electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis. Scanning Auger Electron Micropscopy extends this method into a microscopy method by using a small spot electron source for excitation, that is scanned across the surface. The secondary electrons also represent SEM.

What does Sam stand for?

SAM.gov The System for Award Management (SAM) is the Official U.S. Government system that consolidated the capabilities of CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS

What is the difference between Tam and Sam?

TAM - Total Available Market 代表潜在市场。 SAM - Serviceable Available Market 代表可触达的市场。 SAM是TAM的一部分。 SOM - Serviceable Obtainalbe Market 代表可获取市场。 SOM又是SAM的一部分。 下面让我们用一个例子来说明TAM SAM 和SOM之间关系。


